
Muestra de Trabajos

Proyecto de marquesina para estacionamiento con punto de recarga

Proyecto Final de Ciclo Superior de Construcciones Metálicas


En este proyecto final de ciclo se ha tratado de poner en práctica la mayor cantidad posible de conocimientos adquiridos a través del resto de módulos que lo componen. Para ello se ha elegido el desarrollo de un proyecto de estructura metálica para la construcción de una marquesina para el estacionamiento de dos coches. Dicha estructura está formada por cuatro pórticos metálicos. Como valor añadido al proyecto, se propone la instalación de paneles fotovoltaicos en la cubierta, así como baterías para almacenamiento de energía en el paño intermedio y dos puntos de recarga para vehículos eléctricos.


In this project on metallic constructions’ module work, an attempt has been made to put into practice as much as possible of the knowledge acquired through the rest of modules that make it up. For this, the development of a metal structure project for the construction of a canopy for the parking of two cars has been chosen. This structure is made up of four metal frames. As an added value to the project, the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof is proposed, as well as batteries for energy storage in the intermediate segment and two charging points for electric vehicles.

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Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia Creative Commons
Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

My house project for the Revit course

I will write about the final work I had to do for the BIM and Revit course I’ve done in the FLC of Valencia. This was two houses basic project.

external camera

external camera

internal camera

internal camera

south and north elevations

south and north elevations

The houses are approximately rectangular in shape. The building is bounded by an open space to the north and to the east, another building to the west, and a street to the south.

east and west elevations

east and west elevations

exploited 3D

exploited 3D

Level 0

Level 0

The front of the building faces south, its long axis is oriented south-north to minimise the area of wall exposed to the sun.

The project is a three-storey building, which contains two flats with a approximately square-shaped plan. Each flat contains four rooms. The entrance from the stairs, which is located on the north side, leads into a hall. Beyond of the hall, in the south-east corner is the living room, and beyond that, in the south-west corner, is the kitchen. Both, the kitchen and the living room are adjacent to a balcony situated on the south side. It is not a separated dining room. A toilet is located in the centre of the house. Access to the toilet is from the hall. The two bedrooms are located on the east side with the closets between them.

On the level 0, I placed the shared parking and the covered entrance because people waiting to enter the house need protecting from the weather.

Level 1

Level 1

Level 2

Level 2

When I designed the houses (levels 1 and 2), I placed the main bedroom away from the living room because the noise will disturb people sleeping. The windows of the bedrooms face east. I also placed the kitchen next to the living room because it makes serving food easier, and the bathroom near the bedrooms.

The shared terrace extends the whole area of the level 3.

Well, as I said before, this was only a basic project for that course, in addition, I’ve learned Revit Structure by myself.

Location of the project: south of Brazil.

Deadline: 15 days.

Luckily, I have got the certificate.

I want to make a move in my career. I’ve been a Draftsman and a CAD Technician since 1995. I want to broaden my horizons and became a Revit Technician now.

transversal sactions

transversal sactions

longitudinal sections

longitudinal sections

If you know any vacancy of Revit Technician or Architectural Draftsman, please let me know by e-mail to You can check my LinkedIn profile in Don’t hesitate in ask my resume or portfolio to me.